Chicks & Ducklings Outside First Time At The Off Grid Homestead

9 years ago

I took out the little Silkie chicks and ducklings for the first time in the nice warm weather. It was near 80 degrees outside so it was perfect for the birds to get some fresh air.

The ducklings came out first while I cleaned their home. They are filthy and make a mess of their home in two days. Two days is the maximum I can go without cleaning them and soon it will be daily.

The ducks follow me around. It is so cute. They seem to have imprinted on me as their mother.

I left the ducks outside all day in their container so they could get some fresh air and sun.

Later I brought out the Silkie chicks as well and cleaned their house. They are not as filthy and dont need cleaning as often.

The chicks did not imprint on me at all though and seemed quite happy alone outside without me.

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