Starting Indoor Container Gardening & Chicks Revisited

9 years ago

I was driving a friend around all day and while at Walmart I got some fresh salad greens for my tiny house. I am hoping to get a head start on some fresh edibles in my tiny home. We are still not out of the danger of freezing at night. We even had snow warnings just two days ago. So planting outside is on hold.

I have a shelf in the large window upstairs in my tiny house which lets in a lot of light. The shelf will hold some nice salad greens in a container garden.

I have four different types of greens and a dollar store container full of potting soil.

I have enough greens to plant three containers. This will give me a rotation crop of fresh salad every day.

After putting the container in my tiny house window I also put in a three way moisture meter. This meter senses PH levels, moisture levels and light levels so you can monitor these levels and get the best results. I got a few of these meters last year on deep discount at TSC.

I took the camera upstairs to show my off grid baby chickens and ducks. I am raising these from one day old with zero power. I have no heat lamps and no power at all for these birds and they are doing quite well now.

I had to raise the temperature of my tiny house the first week though to 80 degrees F. This gave me a temperature upstairs in the 90s which is warm enough to raise baby chicks and ducks in comfort.

Now, nearly two weeks later, I have the temperature downstairs down to 73 to 75 degrees and the birds are comfortable upstairs.

Chicks and ducklings will let you know if they are uncomfortable. Mine are happily chirping all the time now.

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