Beautiful New Addition To The Off Grid Homestead

9 years ago

Read the full blog post here:

Sunday I usually do not do any work or video. But since we had a bunch of snow dumped on us overnight I had to make an exception and shovel out my off grid homestead.

This included shoveling out the chickens and their living areas. I had to shovel out the paths through the off grid homestead and clean off the snow from my solar panels so that my tiny house would have some solar power.

Once I had the chickens freed up and fed I went onto CL as I do every day looking for deals.

I found someone who was down sizing her flock of chickens and was listing a bunch of birds on CL.

I contacted her and immediately went out to get the chickens.

These are beautiful birds of mixed breeds and colors. Some are mixed with Polish or Silkie and many are just a barnyard mix of various birds.

Some of these chickens are quite pretty and have very soft feathers.

Now I have doubled my flock of chickens.

I plan to separate my chickens into breeds and types once the snow melts off the ground. I hope to breed the birds for sale and also sell eggs for some profit.

This summer I hope to sell excess eggs, chickens and vegetables from my off grid homestead. Along with maple syrup I hope to be able to offset the cost of running an off grid homestead this year.

increasing my chicken flock is just another step on the path to self sufficiency.

Follow my daily progress on the path to self sufficiency on my off grid solar homestead.

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