Harvesting Maple Sap & Free Wood So Tiny House Construction Resumes

9 years ago

I got another load of free wood so construction will resume on the tiny house on wheels. I also got more solar panels from a friend which will help to power my off grid tiny home.

And I have been collecting maple sap from the maple trees that I have tapped a few days ago.

Tuesday morning my friend asked me to make one more trip to help him move his stuff out of the old apartment. I thought the job was done but he had some stuff outside the house and that had to go as well.

This zapped my energy with the broken rib. I was using my hips and lower back to do the work so it really messed up my back. But we got the job done.

On the way home I found more free wood at the small engine shop in town and picked it up. This is nice clean wood. This wood will be perfect for building my bathroom and kitchen in the tiny home.

He also had two solar panels which I will be buying off him. These are from the same group as the ones I already have. I had picked these all up together with my old truck a couple years ago. He bought two of them but never used them.

Now he offered to let me have them for the price he paid for them. This is perfect timing because I was looking for more solar panels already but kept holding off on buying any. I was looking for the best deal. That deal just fell into my lap.

Other than that all I have been doing is resting my hurt back and gathering maple sap that is flowing out of the trees I tapped Monday.

Follow my daily progress on the path to self sufficiency on my off grid solar homestead.

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