Spring Cleanup At The Off Grid Homestead & An Awesome Solar Power Day

9 years ago

I have been working at the homestead cleaning things up. Winter was brutal and stuff got very messy. You may remember that in the fall my friends helped me clean this place up. But during the winter I brought home more construction materials which got dropped off closer and closer to the drive due to all the snow on the ground.

Now it is time to clean things up around here. Every day I pick at it a little bit.

But on this day cleaning the the main task for the day.

Chris came up with the garden tractor to help me move my log splitter over to the log pile in the woods. I had wanted to do this long ago but my garden tractor would not pull it.

We got it over by the wood pile easily enough even though it has two flat tires. Now I can split wood right in place and stack the logs. All the work can be done in one station and it is out of the way now.

I also raked up the leaves where the log splitter had been.

I have moved a whole mess of pallet wood and boards that I had stacked up with time in the yard by the parking area. I am not sure if you can see the difference on camera but I sure can. It is looking better here all the time.

I tried to run the log splitter to cut up some of the logs from the trees I had recently cut down but the belt somehow got lose during the winter and the pulley spins too freely to split logs now.

I will have to work on the log splitter and get a tensioner pulley on it soon.

Follow my daily progress on the path to self sufficiency on my off grid solar homestead.

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