Coyotes At The Homestead & Gardening & Package Arrived

9 years ago

There were coyotes outside the meadow the other night. They were right there, on the edge of the meadow. Not far from the chickens. Fortunately coyotes are timid and scare away easily.

I am not sure if I showed you or now but I have been working on the rock bed garden a little bit now and then. I have been planting edible flowers and herbs around the two large boulders out in front of the tiny house on wheels.

I now have some very fine herbs out here. I am actually quite excited about some of them. The Camomile plants are already flowering. I went out to get my first ever harvest of Camomile flowers. These make for some awesome relaxation tea.

I used a bag of pine shavings to place around the rock bed to help retain moisture and protect the plants from the brutal heat of the sun.

A package arrived from Rob (sniper7369) which contained some nice freeze dried foods and a Condor Bushcraft knife sent to me by Gear Barrel.

Please have a look at Gear Barrel on YouTube:

I will be doing a full test and review on this knife in the coming weeks.

Follow my daily progress on the path to self sufficiency on my off grid solar homestead.

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