Chicks Chickens & Chicken Fence Repair @ The Off Grid Homestead

9 years ago

Tim Carey was over helping at the off grid homestead for a few days. His channel is here:

Tim and I were repairing some of the damaged chicken fencing and taking care of some tiny new additions to the off grid homestead.

TSC is entering their last days of selling chicks for the year and I got a nice deal on some tiny little Bantam chicks. These are about an inch round. They are so cute and tiny. I have no idea what these will be but I am sure they will remain small and will be a cute addition to the off grid homestead.

I had planned to raise chickens for sale this year. I wanted to use an incubator but decided to just grab the sales on chicks this year. Next year I will incubate eggs for a larger production of chickens for sale.

The medium sized chicks are out in the chicken tractor now. They are feathered out enough that they can handle the colder nights.

In the afternoon Tim and I repaired some holes where the adult chickens are escaping through.

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