Insulating Tiny House Plumbing & Much More

9 years ago

I insulated the water pipes and plumbing outside my tiny house on wheels. I am going to build an insulated shed out here but I want the pipes protected anyway.

While picking up supplies the other day for my rain water collection system I also got the pipe insulation. These are simply long foam tubes with a slit along one side and tape along the edges. You slide the foam around your pipe and stick the tape together.

This will protect the pipes somewhat from freezing.

I also worked on the bathroom shower fixtures a bit until I ran into a dead end.

I made a frame to hold the bathroom shower faucet in place. The original system requires you to simply attach the faucet to a super thin sheet of plastic and let if hang there. This would not last long term so I did not trust it.

I built a frame to hold the faucet and mounted that in my tiny house bathroom cabinet. This gives it a firm footing and will make the shower last longer.

But when it came time to fasten the faucet to the frame I found that the original retainer nuts will not fit. They are too thick. They are meant to fasten to the thin plastic and nothing else.

I have to find some thinner nuts to hold the tiny house shower faucet in place.

I mounted an LED lamp to the tiny house bathroom wall. I had previously wired it up but never mounted it to the wall. I got tired of working with portable battery powered LED lamps so I finally mounted this to the wall. It is a 7 watt LED light bulb in a nice light fixture that I picked up for free last year.

It really looks nice in there and lights up the bathroom very brightly.

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