Reinforcing My Chicken Tractor To Make It Raccoon Proof

9 years ago

After loosing my broody hen to a raccoon the other night I decided to put some heavy duty chicken wire on the chicken tractor. Well the sad thing is that I was going to do that on this day anyway just to be safe. It is like the raccoon sensed that his chance was slipping away and he attacked during the night.

He had taken my hen and ate her right through the chicken wire piece by piece.

I bought a roll of chicken wire with 1 inch holes and heavier wire. I figured this should stop the raccoon from getting into my chicken tractor or eating a chicken through the wire.

I spent a few hours covering every single inch of the chicken tractor with the heavier gauge chicken wire.

I used about 600 staples in the process. I also used baling wire to fasten the new chicken wire to the wire underneath it. This gives the wire double strength. If the raccoon tries to pull one layer off he will have to pull both off at the same time, removing about 1,200 staples in the process.

I also used baling wire to wrap through both layers of chicken wire and around the frame posts of the chicken tractor. The baling wire will make sure the raccoon never pulls the wire away from the frame of the chicken tractor.

Now, after hours of work, I figure this chicken tractor is pretty much raccoon proof.

The next step is to run some electric fence around the chicken tractor to protect the birds and keep the raccoon from even getting that close again.

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