All The Off Grid Homestead Babies Update & Overview

9 years ago

Due to so many requests, here is an update on all the babies running, crawling and flying around the off grid homestead this spring. I have kittens, Silkies and tiny little Bantams that I call butterflies because they are not much bigger.

The kittens are going to be 3 weeks old on Sunday. They had their eyes open for a while now. But they still do not have any strength in their back legs. They cannot walk yet but still crawl, pulling with their front legs.

Felix the cat seems to be the strongest one though. He/she has its legs under it and is nearly able to stand up fully now.

All of the kittens are so shaky though. But they are so cute. I handle them a little bit each day so that they will be used to me.

The tiny little Bantams I call my butterflies. They love to flutter in and out of the box I keep them in. They love to fly up on my finger and look around. They have no weight, just like a butterfly landing on your finger. Their wings are beautiful just like a butterfly as well.

Two of them are the strongest and love to fly in and out of the box. They like to explore and look around at the huge World outside the box.

Neither one of my cats has bothered them at all. I have had baby chicks in the tiny house now for about 5 or 6 weeks and the cats have not once bothered them. The cats know that these are friends and not to be eaten or harmed.

The Silkies outside are growing up nicely. The first batch are getting quite large. One of them is very friendly and loves to be touched. It runs up to the side of the cage every time I go out there. When I call to them most of them come running right over chirping happily. I talk to them multiple times per day to keep them tame. It will be hard to sell these when the time comes but that is the reason I got them. All but the friendly one that is.

There are three batches of Silkies in there. I paid a dollar each for every one of them on sale at TSC at various times.

I have to put them all into bed at night by hand though because Silkies do not seem to the be brightest of birds and have not yet learned how to get into bed at night.

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