Life Changing Event At The Off Grid Homestead

8 years ago

Things will be different around the off grid homestead pretty soon. I spent the last three years building up a new life off the grid. Soon I will have a teammate - Melanie.

I just traveled half way around the World to introduce you to Melanie - of The Off Grid Project.

I am on vacation in Manila, the Philippines so I could show you all the special girl who caught my attention.

We were walking through a beautiful park in Manila named Rizal Park and found the perfect place for us to reveal the big secret you have all been waiting for.

I will be bringing Melanie home to The Off Grid Project by the end of the year. Melanie will be my teammate. She will balance out the homestead in many ways.

I am sure that she will make a huge difference in my life and on the projects.

Watch for more videos and updates from the Philippines.


Troy & Melanie.

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