Fluke Fishing Off Jones Beach Long Island NY

9 years ago

Trucker Buck invited me to join him Fluke fishing off Long Island New York. We got a boat and went out into the ocean water fishing for the day.

It was quite an adventure. Especially since the larger boats passing by seemed to take pleasure in trying to tip us over. I was laughing and having fun but a real emergency would have been if we lost someone overboard.

We caught a whole mess of fish during the day. Most were under the legal limit of 18 inches. But each one of us got a good sized keeper.

At one point I had a fish on and the police passed by. They put on their siren just after they passed to make me think they were after another boat. But in reality they were watching me to see if I could keep the fish. I let it go quickly while they watch to make sure we did not get in trouble.

You do not want to take any illegal fish out there. I am sure the fines would not be any fun.

It was a good full day of fishing, relaxing and fun with friends.

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