Questions Answered About The Off Grid Project

8 years ago

Answering some of the most commonly asked questions at The Off Grid Project. Where is Joy. Where is Melanie. Where is Squeaky Cat. Will I ever finish the siding on the Tiny House. What about the water storage shed.

All of these questions I see again and again in the comments. So here are the answers to your most commonly asked questions of the week.

Melanie and I are still together. Still engaged. We have filed the Fiance Visa application paperwork but now we just wait for the government to eventually get around to looking at it. This can take anywhere from one month to a year. We wait and pray. That is all we can do.

Where is Joy the dog? Well, back in September I found Joy a good home where she lives with a family, inside the house. I lost a lot of subs when I got a dog and put her outdoors to live. So many people got angry with me for even the idea that I would have an outside dog. Many people believe a dog should live inside the house and not outdoors. So I found her a home.

Where is Squeaky Cat? Baby never liked Squeaky although she is a loving and happy cat. When Squeak had kittens I was going to keep Felix and have him outdoors. But a friend of mine was lonely and was trying to get a cat for herself. Every time she found one, it was blocked somehow. Eventually we both came to the conclusion that she was meant to have Squeaky Cat. Both her and Squeaky are happy now and I see them both often.

Will I ever finish siding on the Tiny House on Wheels. Well, yes, eventually. I am not in a hurry to do that right now because under the tar paper is 6 ply exterior grade sheathing. It could last years like this with no problem. I do hope to finish it this winter but lets see.

What about the water shed? I am still working on the water system and the shed is part of that project. I will see this one through all the way from the roof of the tiny house to the faucet and everything in between. I plan to build a greenhouse which will heat the shed by day from the power of the sun. By night I will use my old Sears potbelly stove to heat the shed and greenhouse.

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