The Reason For The Split ~ Warning Dont Watch If You Dont Like Drama

8 years ago

I would like to apologize to everyone for the confusion the other day with the split. I had my reasons but I did not share them with you at the time and this caused many people to become frustrated and even angry with me. Many left.

I was going to split off The Do It Yourself World from The Off Grid Project video channels. But very few people actually came over to the new channel. I cannot afford this so I am not making the split.

I am uploading all videos from now on at The Do It Yourself World original YouTube channel.

The true reason for the split can be seen in the video. I have been under intense stress and attacks from a certain few people. These people openly threaten me and even wanted my viewers to see their threats to me. So I have complied and show them now.

I have never harassed or threatened anyone. I have dont no harm to anyone. My record is perfect and clean. If you receive any messages to the contrary, please feel free to ask me. Or demand proof of their accusations.

Many will just shout "I have proof", "I have proof", but will never produce said proof. Because it does not exist.

All I ever wanted was to make my daily videos in peace.

But after recent vandalism and attacks on my property, things have been taken to the next level. I cannot just ignore them hoping they will go away. After three years now, the attacks have been increased in level and danger.

The police have been informed off all these activities but can do nothing because they are too busy with bigger fish. This is New York after all. I understand and hold no grudge against them. They are only doing their job.

The FBI have also been informed but I have no idea what they are doing, if anything.

I have a lawyer but the court fees are out of my league so I cannot afford to take this to court sadly.

I am on my own out here.

My video cameras have been defective and I was hoping that nobody would attack because I did have security in the past and talked about it. But sadly while I was in Manila things started up again.

They have taken it to the next level with stealing and damage to my property. With the recent loss of my chickens and the destruction to my brand new fence I am no longer taking this laying down.

Especially since a few nights ago I had to chase someone off my property who was messing with my propane tanks. I heard feet running off through the woods out behind the RV after running out from behind my house.

I am making you aware of this because it has changed me. It has changed the way I make videos. It has changed how I act and reply to comments.

I am sorry for this.

I will be getting back to making videos like I did in the past. I will be getting back to the old days. Back when I recorded everything and did not care what people said. I will get back to making videos like the ones that made you subscribe to my channel long ago.

Please stay tuned.

But I will no longer remain silent and let a few people run all over my life. No more.

Thank you for watching.


The Do It Yourself World
The Off Grid Project

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