Problems At The Off Grid Homestead & Booster Shirts Arrived

8 years ago

I ran into various problems on this day so did not see much progress at the off grid homestead.

First of all my video editing software is updated which means that I have to relearn everything new. Then I had trouble with the video formats. Each time I tried to save it, the file size was over 3 GB of data. This is too large for my half MB internet upload speed.

I kept trying again and again to get it right. Finally I found a format that worked and saved the video in a manageable size for uploading to YT. But by this time it was 4:30 in the afternoon.

Next I went outside to start framing my wall using my Senko framing nailer. I fired up my HF generator and then plugged in my air compressor. But the air compressor was not holding air. There is a leak inside near the top. This is an old air compressor so I am surprised that it lasted this long.

I went out looking for someone who had an air compressor that I could borrow for this framing job. Finally I found an air compressor but by then it was after dark and I could no longer work. My HF generator cannot run an air compressor and a work light at the same time. It is just too small.

So I went inside to work on videos.

And a huge package arrived. My Booster T-shirts were delivered today. I got a giant package full of shirts. Some are for me and some are for other people.

If you live overseas and you bought a T-shirt, please let me know and I will sort out the shipping with you.

Thank you everyone who helped support the campaign to bring Melanie home to the off grid homestead. Melanie cannot believe all the love and care she has seen during this time. Thank you all.

I also got a sweater from Shoola. I do not know who sent it but thank you.

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The Do It Yourself World
The Off Grid Project

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