Accusations against me and my channel

9 years ago

There have been many accusations made against me and my channel. I have one thing to say. Its not true. Ask them to prove it. They cannot. There is nothing. They keep saying "I have proof". When you ask for that proof, they repeat "I have proof". But you never see any proof.

Why is that?

Because its not true. There is no proof. I am not fighting with anyone. I am not slandering anyone. I am not attacking any channels. Turn the mirror around though and what do you see?

Please open your mind and look for the real truth. Thats all I ask.

If a person was guilty because of a simple accusation with no proof then we would all be in prison now with no guards to watch over the place.

Please ask for the proof before you judge me.

There is talk about how I am jealous of another person's success so I am attacking him. Really?

I have over 32,000 subs and growing daily. I dont have time to mess with little channels. I dont have time to play with these little guys. It would be a waste of time, really.

If you want to grow your channel you play with the big boys. You hang with the big fish. Leave the little fish to play with themselves.

Thank you


The Do It Yourself World

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