Homestead Cleanup Day & Package For Melanie

7 years ago

Saturday was the off grid homestead cleanup day. It was long overdue. With time we all just start dropping things off by the driveway and it starts to get cluttered. Today was cleanup day.

I left those blue pallets right by the driveway all this time because so many of my trolls have tried to turn me in for theft of these panels. Although I got them legally from Agway, which puts out damaged pallets by the road. I ask them before taking any pallets as well. But anyway, many people openly turned me in and said so in the comments on the day I brought them home.

So I left them right there by the drive all this time just in case someone wanted to come and investigate. Nobody ever came. Not the police. Not the pallet company. Nobody.

So now, after about 4 - 5 weeks, its time to finally put them away.

The solar heating panels also need a good home for now until we put them into use on the off grid battery and water shed and the greenhouse we are going to build.

We had a mess of small engine crates up front as well just waiting to be put away. And Melanie and I brought home a whole lot of stuff from Michigan which needed to be put away.

Plus when the truck camper fell over, it made a real mess of things. The truck camper crashed down on the screen tent, garden chairs, BBQ grill and much more. All that had to be cleaned up as well.

Like I said, with time stuff accumulates and needs to be cleaned up.

Our goal today was to clean up around the front and around the truck camper. We still need to get the truck camper on a trailer but need to clean up around it first.

We worked late into the night but finally got it all nearly done. We still have to move some tools and equipment and a little bit of wood but we did it.

It feels good when you get a job done at the end of the day.

Melanie received a package. It was all hers with her name on it. We discovered that it was from my Sister to Melanie. It contained six bottles of all natural dish soap.

We are going green and natural for two reasons, but the two are related. We are only eating and using natural products. What you put on your skin gets absorbed so it is like eating chemicals when you use chemical products.

We are using natural shampoo, dish soap, hand soap and more. We use vinegar for cleaning most things inside the house.

But another reason is that what you use will eventually get into the environment around you. We recycle our water so we do not want any chemicals in that. We filter and use the water for gardening as needed. But often chemicals do not come out. So we use only natural products.

Thank you Danielle

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