Franklin Logsdon - NASV / Jesuits

1 year ago

Segment from Bridge To Babylon Rome, Ecumenism & The Bible - A Lamp In The Dark Part III by Chris Pinto


by S. Franklin Logsdon

"Well, up to that time I thought the Westcott and Hort was the text. You were intelligent if you believed the Westcott and Hort. Some of the finest people in the world believe in that Greek text, the finest leaders that we have today. You'd be surprised; if I told you, you wouldn't believe it. They haven't gone into it just as I hadn't gone into it; [they're] just taking it for granted."

"I must under God renounce every attachment to the New American Standard."

Endorsing the Textus Receptus and the KJV.


"He knows he can't... destroy the Word of God. But he can do a lot of things to try to supplant it, or to corrupt it in the minds and hearts of God's people. Now he can only do it in one of two ways: either by adding to the Scriptures or by subtracting from the Scriptures. He's too wise to add to because those who have been in the Word for a long time would say, "Wait a minute; this is not in the Bible." So he subtracts from it. The deletions are absolutely frightening."

"For instance, there are in the revisions (1881 and 1901), so we are told 5337 deletions, subtractions if you please. For instance, in the New American Standard we are told that 16 times the word "Christ" is gone. When you are reading through you perhaps wouldn't miss many of them. And 10 or 12 times the word "Lord" is gone. "Get thee behind me, Satan," [Luke 4:8] if you have a New American Standard you wouldn't even find it. It's not even in there. And there are so many such deletions."


"When people speak of the oldest manuscripts, they usually mean the A and the B, the Codex Sinaiticus and the Codex Vaticanus. But nobody has seen [Vaticanus. It has] been under lock and key in Rome. And the only copies we have are the copies that Rome decided to give to the outside world, and I don't trust them one inch. Never, never, never! And I'll tell you why in just a moment. None of our scholars today have seen Codex B [Vaticanus], unless they've seen just a page or two through a glass case. But that's not enough to get the feel of the whole thing, just to see a page that is open at one place. So here we have the stream of manuscripts and the stream of Greek texts coming down through the "custodial care" of Rome. And if it's in the custodial care of Rome, I don't want anything to do with it. I've come to this place now: I can't stand toe to toe with the scholars, with those who have delved into the manuscripts and textual criticism for years and years. I've had too many other things to do. And you haven't been able to, either. So what do you do? I don't argue with them anymore. I'm not going to argue with any of them. I'm just going to ask, On what manuscript or manuscripts is this version based? And if it's based upon a manuscript that came down through this Roman stream, I don't want anything to do with it."

"Do you know one of the reasons the Jesuits came into being under Loyola? Their main project was to supplant the Erasmus text, get it out of the way somehow, just undermine it. And this is their pledge. You can go to the library and get this directly, if you care. They said, `In order to supplant the Erasmus text we'll send our men to Protestant seminaries, Protestant Bible schools; we'll get them into teaching positions in seminaries; we'll get them into pulpits of churches.' To do what?"

"The whole aim around the world is to destroy the Erasmus text, and the Authorized Version of course came from the Erasmus text."


"Westcott and Hort... those men pledge themselves to secrecy that they wouldn't tell anybody about the text they were using until after the book was out. Twice British royalty refused to have anything to do with the 1881 revision. But at any rate it was deception to begin with. Their own text hadn't even been published yet, hadn't stood the scrutiny of the public."

...what these versions, translations, and paraphrases are doing:

One, they cause widespread confusion, because everywhere we go people say, What do you think of this; what do you think of that?

Two, they discourage memorization. Who's going to memorize when each one has a different Bible, a different translation?

Three, they obviate the use of a concordance. We're going to have a concordance for every one; you're going to have to have a lot of concordances."

Four, they provide opportunity for perverting the truth.

Five, these many translations make teaching of the Bible difficult.

Six, they elicit profitless argumentation.

We've had the AV for 362 years. It's been tested as no other piece of literature has ever been tested. Word by word; syllable by syllable. And think even until this moment no one has ever found any wrong doctrine in it, and that's the main thing.

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