Sons Of The Forest Gameplay Part 4 - Building out the base and then getting kidnapped at night

1 year ago

I was able to sleep when I loaded back in so that was great and it was day time. I decided to build out my base more so I chopped down a lot of trees while I got Kelvin to pile up the logs. Meanwhile the cannibals were attacking me so I killed them and burned them.

I got visited by a mutated woman but she runs away as soon as I got close so not sure what that's about?

Once I got a larger set of walls built, I started looking through the guidebook more and started experimenting with more recipes and I found the other build mode where you can pre-determine the structure and then just add materials to it. That's a lot easier I think. Just hard to switch between modes.

I started putting up some torches and storages so that I can see better at night and store away items. While building suddenly a cannibal jumped in from above =/. Well there goes my feeling security XD. He knocked me out and ended up back at the encampment again. Sigh... It's becoming my second home or something... At least I didn't die because I had not saved in a long time.

During the video review, I just noticed I can pre-build the cabin hahaha... I just need to get the materials which is a lot of logs. I might have enough already. Probably started building planters too so I can have some consistent food. Need to find a way to make or find tape as it appears in a lot of recipes. Also, I learned that there was cave entrance beneath me sigh... Maybe that's what the green marker was? Thanks for watching. Please Like and Subscribe.

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