“We have lived to witness the production of earthquakes on command.”

1 year ago

Folks, I don't know if the translation is correct. But it sounds right to me :-)

So if you happen to be Romanian or have Romanian friends, please inform.

Nevertheless, She's truly a remarkable woman. She knew what the consequences would be and made a self-recording to warn the world!

The second segment is in Turkish and Russian! I have no way to verify this either!

So it's all up to you and your diligence!

"...Head of Turkish Space Agency Serdar Hussein Yildirim spoke about climate weapons:

“It is impossible to do anything against interference from space. There is a system of such weapons. <...> There are Warrior satellites that can send from space 10-meter rods of titanium alloy to any target. They penetrate into the ground 5 kilometers deep, causing an earthquake of 7-8 points.

And at the same time, local seismologists predicted Turkey another powerful earthquake, this time under the threat of Istanbul. The city is located at the junction of two tectonic plates. Due to the high seismic activity, the metropolis can shake even more than the already affected regions."

Anyway, it's all open secret! Nicolas Tesla did it.

The US Government and its Talmudic Khazans masters crushed him, stole everything from him, and have posthumously been throwing mud at him even to this day! While promote the plagiarist Albert Einstein! Go figure!

The last word is yours as always, folks!

Original sources:

1- https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-romanian-senator-diana-iovanovici-sosoaca-production-earthquakes-command/5808517

2- https://vk.com/wall-5158073_2875974?lang=en

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