Live Chat IndusTokens - review 2023.2.24

1 year ago

Live Chat IndusTokens
- review 2023.2.24
recorded on 2.25
opening:Morning ( Gynt,Op. 23
closing:Paul Simon Graceland

( the Bible
- 1Cor 15:51-52
- Gen 35:23-26 Jacob 12 sons
- Dan 7:15-28

Zodiac and More
- Lunar 2.6 Julian 2.12
- Ukraine War D363?? 365/366
- 56th d 309d left

Today (2.24 ( In History

Back To The Future
1.Juan-Coming Move by God
( Fletcher-Venus Jupiter ( 2.12-3.9
3.Train derailment de javu ( term
( of Thrones-Split ( Rains of Castamere
( Church fined $32b

( Unlocks Map
1.Lindell suing ( McCarthy
2.Wife Bezos (,Gates (,Brady
( Rihanna (,Tate (,Khorberger1 ( ( (,Costner
( SAMs:Alito (,Fried (,Smith (
5 Politician-Olaf (,Rishi (,Erdoğan (,Netanyahu1 ( (

Lobstr Basics Check
1.Save account info
2.Start with Magnificent7
( Out SGB (, then ERRES
3.Silver Mines ( / Copper Mines
( big list
( list for beginners (
-short list-Gold (
-short list-Silver

( and Current Events
1.Steve Job 68yr B-day (APPL)-WOW ( (
( 8% drop ( ( (

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