Advanced Precision Rifle Clinic at RLRR

1 year ago

I was fortunate enough to attend the 2 Day Advanced Precision Rifle Clinic at Rock Lake Rifle Range. It was taught by Scott Satterlee of Sawtooth Rifles and Doug Glorfield. Overall it was an awesome course. Both instructors are a wealth of knowledge and bring different experiences to the table. Scott coming from a military background and Doug from a lifetime of hunting and competitive shooting.

This being a Advanced Course, we dove right in. Fortunately I kept my head above water and they got me up to speed fast. We worked through confirming our zero, truing our rifle to our ballistics application, wind calls, building solid shooting positions and all kinds of other skills. It was drinking through a fire hose but I learned tons.

Also while there, I had the opportunity to spend some time wringing out the Desert Tech SRS.  You can see my video review of that rifle over on TFB TV (The Firearms Blog).

It was amazing to put it all together at the end too. Putting rounds on a target out at 1,275 yards... If you have a opportunity and want to up your long range game, either for competing in Precision Rifle Matches or making those solid shots while out hunting, check them out.

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