Ch 9 Rainbow Colored Crows: Biblical Exegesis: Key #2 The Holy Temple and Key #3 The Sabbath -Audiobook

1 year ago

Synopsis of Chapter 9 “The Rainbow Castle; Key #2 The Holy Temple and Key # 3 The Sabbath”: 1. What the Rainbow Castle Symbolizes, 2. Key # 2: The Holy Temple and how it is the gateway back to Eden, 3. Key #3: The Sabbath and how it is the gateway back to Eden, 4. The Hidden Rainbow Light VS the Counterfeit Rainbow 5. How the Rainbow Castle Will Save Humanity.

The book "Rainbow Colored Crows" provides young adults with a free, Christian, fictional, and entertaining Audiobook which discourages drug use and LGBT behavior. It is also a survival guide for the End Days based on the Book of Revelation.

Please visit for more information and to purchase this book either as a paperback/hardcover or as an Audible


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