Kinkajou Power Animal

8 months ago
Hello friends. Welcome to the healing world of power animals. Today we’ll look at the kinkajou. The kinkajou, also called the honey bear because of their fondness for honey, lives in the tropical forests of Central and South America. They have long bodies, large eyes, small round faces, and tails that can be wrapped around branches. Their hand-like feet have sharp little claws and their dense fur keeps them dry when it rains. The adaptable kinkajou is above all a tree dweller with excellent night vision and sharp hearing. They can leap from branch to branch with surprising ease. They come out a night to look for food, feeding mostly on fruit and insects. The unique kinkajou makes highly unusual vocal sounds and uses scent glands to mark their territory. They can reach inside flowers and beehives with their 5” long tongue. They can turn their feet in the opposite direction to run backward, so they can even climb up and down trees head first. They’re very deliberate when and where they move their legs and tail. The friendly kinkajou enjoys social time in the company of their troop, always taking time to play and explore. Exceptionally intelligent, they have the talent to comprehend complex ideas and concepts.

The gentle kinkajou symbolizes agility, curiosity, alertness, balance, and survival. They can feel the earth vibrations through their highly developed senses. Call on their spirit when you want to go outside of your comfort zone. Visit our website for a free power animal reading and to learn how spirit animals can enhance your life.

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