5 universal laws

2 years ago

These things are very hard for many people to get your head around.
But it’s all quite simple. What is your focus?
We all step backwards now and then. Weather to protect ourselves from harm. Maybe we’re just in a bad mood, (ask yourself why that is.) or maybe we’re just not feeling well. Which goes back to the bad mood at times. Be we do create our reality to a point. If you have negative family members or a job and coworkers that are low vibration. Than it may be out of your control until you can escape that confinement. And truly create a better reality for yourself.
Maybe you chose that confinement early in life or pre birth. As your soul contract. To help others. Or to experience life a certain way. (Like me 😏)
But you can rise above it all. And still work your magic in that confinement. Just not as beautifully structured as you had hoped.
Love to whom ever reads this.

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