Reasons to vote NO on Idaho House Bill 167

2 years ago

As an Idahoan, you probably enjoy the mindset of most Idahoans:
Live and let live.
You rest in the knowledge that your God-given rights to speak your mind --- to freely assemble -- and the right to petition your government are respected in this state.
Except – that might soon change.
House Bill 167 will be voted on this week == and it aligns with the goals of the World Economic Forum.

You know – the uber-wealthy control freak globalists who want you to own nothing and be happy about it. The editorial board at True Idaho News rarely does this, --- but this one is vital. We are urging you to contact your State Representatives and urge them to vote no on this bill.
On the surface, the title of HB 167 sounds reasonable. It’s a critical infrastructure bill. But in practice, it will decimate your right to assemble and protest unwanted or unreasonable actions performed by unethical companies or overbearing government agencies.
You should also know that HB 167 destroys the rights of people on both sides of the political aisle. For example, it would criminalize any person or group protesting the creation of a nuclear waste facility or for picketing outside a financial services firm that bilked millions out of investors

It would criminalize people protesting outside a regional health board meeting because they mandated unlawful fines or those staging a protest at the location of a newly proposed mine or energy plant

You wouldn’t be able to picket a restaurant for unethical hiring and firing practices - or any reason whatsoever

You could become a felon and do 10 years in prison—and your organization could be fined $100,000 because you protested the construction of a high-emitting EMF cell phone towers … or a chemical plant … or a chemical dump

The list is endless.

Idaho already has laws against trespassing and destruction of property.

Instead of protecting critical infrastructure, House Bill 167 allows badge-heavy government agencies to criminalize peaceful protests and penalize people simply for exercising their Constitutionally guaranteed rights of assembly and speech.

It may sound hyperbolic but is not – you will be bullied and fearful of practicing your First Amendment rights if HB 167 passes.

Think of it this way: any “yes” vote on 167 is a vote forcing citizens to submit to a top-down authoritarian government.

The Editorial Board of True Idaho News is calling on the state legislature to vote “no” on House Bill 167 and we encourage all citizens to contact their legislators and request the same.

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