Can you live at home with a ventilator and a breathing tube? Live stream!

2 years ago

Can you live at home with a ventilator and a breathing tube? Live stream!

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Hi it’s Patrik Hutzel from INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME where we provide tailor made solutions for long-term ventilated Adults & Children with Tracheostomies and where we also provide tailor made solutions for hospitals and Intensive Care Units whilst providing quality services for long-term ventilated patients and medically complex patients at home, including home TPN.

In last week’s blog, I talked about,


You can check out last week’s blog by clicking on the link below this video:

In today’s blog post, I want to answer a question from one of our clients and the question today is

Can You Live on a Ventilator at Home? INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Live Stream!

Welcome to Intensive Care at home live stream. My name is Patrik Hutzel and today’s live stream is about, “Can you live on a ventilator at home?” It’s a question we get very frequently and today I want to break it all down for you, especially if you have a loved one in intensive care, being stuck on a ventilator with a tracheostomy. But I know a lot of you also want to know, can you live at home on a ventilator with a breathing tube or an endotracheal tube? And I will break it all down for you in today’s presentation.

So, if you have any questions today, type them in your chat pad. You can also call in live on the show, I will give the numbers later. If you have questions, please keep them to today’s topic, and I will get right to them. If you have questions that are not related to today’s topic, but are intensive care related, you can type them into the chat pad or call into the show later, and I will answer them then.

A little bit about me, you may wonder what makes me qualified to talk about today’s topic. My name is Patrik Hutzel, I’m the founder and director of Intensive Care at Home. I’m a critical care nurse by background. I’ve worked in intensive care/critical care for over 20 years in three different countries. I was part of pioneering Intensive Care at Home in Germany in the late 1990s, early 2000s. And then I started a similar service in Australia as I was immigrating to Australia. And we have now had this service up and running here in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane in Australia since 2012.

We are also helping clients in the U.S. to try and get people home. Even though we don’t have a physical presence in the U.S. yet, same in the U.K. We’re trying to help people in the U.K. getting their loved ones home again. We don’t have a physical presence in the U.K. yet, but we are proactively working on that. As part of my work in intensive care and Intensive Care at Home, we’re also running a service Intensive Care Hotline where we consult and advocate for families in intensive care all around the world. And we have done so for the last nine years. So that’s a little bit of background before we go into today’s topic.

So, today’s topic again is, “Can you live on a ventilator at home?” And we have named it Intensive Care at Home livestream. So why have we named it Intensive Care at Home? Because yes, you can live on a ventilator at home with Intensive Care at Home. So, let’s describe the current environment a little bit more in intensive care. If someone is on a ventilator in intensive care, whether they’re on a ventilator with a tracheostomy or with a breathing tube, they are in an ICU, in an intensive care unit, critical care unit, whichever term you want to use.

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