Globalist and Gates Depopulation Agenda 35 min

1 year ago

1. Hello mRNA steaks!

Would you like your steak well done?


Medium rare?

No matter what you choose it’s about to also come with a side of the mRNA poison vaxx!

How wonderful!

2. Bill Gates’ Lab Grown Meat Causes Cancer in Humans
Bill Gates’ lab-grown meat causes cancer in humans who consume it, according to a disturbing new study.
Synthetic meat has been heavily promoted by Bill Gates and the globalist elites at the WEF as the solution to so-called climate change. However, this fake food has now been shown to cause cancer via the immortalized cell lines used to manufacture it.
Not content with poisoning your heart with mRNA vaccines while he sends grandma to a death panel for being useless, Gates wants you to sit down at the dinner table to his repulsive tasting synthetic meat, which just so happens to riddle you with incurable cancers.

3. Depopulation Drug Quietly, Deceitfully Renamed and Pumped Into Food Supply
You might know of Stevia as the plant-based sweetener that has a minimal effect on blood sugar and insulin levels and as a healthy alternative to sugar and even artificial sweeteners that we know can disturb the gut microbiome.
Native to parts of Brazil and Paraguay, the Stevia rebaundiana plant was first studied in 1899 by the botanist Moisés Santiago Bertoni who observed its sweet taste. Locals called it kaʼa heʼẽ , or “sweet herb”, and used it as as medicine with a very specific purpose.
According to Bertoni the botanist, Stevia was used by the native tribes in Paraguay for centuries as a powerful contraceptive that destroys fertility.
And what if I told you that since Stevia has been pumped into the Western food supply, birth rates have plummeted, risking population collapse? And what if I told you Obama’s science czar knew about the effects of Stevia all along?

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