Judgement is "Light Bringing" on a Crisis - Session 2

1 year ago

Jesus says that judgement is light coming to challenge us who love darkness, rather than the exposure that light brings to our deeds.
He also says, "I Am the Light of the World; he who follows Me will not
walk in the darkness but will have the Light of Life.“ - John 8:12

What can we learn about Judgment from Jesus? Judgment = Light Has Come, and He has come for a reason!

* His Life is Everyone’s Light to Receive.
* Judgment = Ruler of This World Cast Down.
* His Life and Words Deliver from Darkness.

"This is judgment, that My life—became the Light of everyone—and came into the world, cast down the ruler of this world, and overcame your darkness. You my friends, are now free—because of Judgment—to follow me." (Jesus in the Larry McKnight Personal Translation)

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