Joe Rogan and Eric Weinstein talk about the War in Ukraine and Antisemtism

1 year ago

Eric Weinstein thinkgs that crazy and that our apparatus is stoking the flames of war in Ukraine. He remembers when the former soviet republics in belaruse were taking over in Ukraine. If you are not playing both sets of lenses from t both he Russian Side and the Ukraine side and you’re not oscillating between both. We created a situation by pretending that we don’t understand the spheres of influence from Russia’s perspective and we’re creating a doomsday device.
Joe Rogan, “Do you think the amount of people who have gone to war in this country, in Israel and South Korea, there is a requirement to join the military. There is a real problem with day to day existence, they’re only real right now and if you’re inviting war then you’re inviting destruction and some of the destruction that you see on telegram right now and the average person don’t think of that as a real option in the world but it most certainly definitely is!”
Eric Weinstein, “At least during the Cuban missile crisis, you knew it WAS the Cuban missile crisis. Right now, we are in the world by attacking ordiarny human beings by depriving them of what is actually going on like with the source of inflation, the source of COVID-19, etc. We have no clue as something as dumb as the Epstein case. This is what is causing our friends to go crazy! Bret Weinstein, Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, they haven’t figured out that they are STARVED of information. What do you do when your 160 degrees off from reality! I said this to Dave Rubin and Sam Harris that you have to take a different approach to Trump!”
Eric Weinstein, “everyday, you’re being assaulted by completely unnecessary ambiguities! Sam Harris made a terrible mistake in just assuming that Trump ended up in office by mistake. If you do not give that devil its due, you’re toast!”
Joe Rogan, “Lets talk crazy! Whats really going on?”
Eric Weinstein, “If we release whats really going on, there are going to be consequences, like people are going to die or people are going crazy. You got local law enforcement like the first scene of the matrix. If we stumble upon something that the government doesn’t want out, the government will play keep away. Think of Baby on cobalt or cobalt on baby. Government is the cobalt and the baby is the citizen and what happens when a citizen stumbles upon something that the government doesn’t want out? You have to realize that ordinary human beings keep tripping over government operations in the cobalt sector. They don’t have ANY system to get rid of civilians who stumble upon their intelligence assets. My claim is that conspiracy theories is cobalt on baby, meaning the government is warning citizens to ‘get away’, but there is no play other than they destroy your reputation! Nobody knows the answer to what the government will do when private citizens starts figuring out their statecraft. We keep tripping on official statecraft narratives and that is why they don’t let us criticize why the vaccines aren’t effective, the Russia Ukraine narrative. And now you’re gaslighting American citizens because you didn’t do your job? What did we just find out from the twitter files! The government does NOT want to take responsibility, these people are creating fake reports about the Hunter Biden story and WE did not have free and fair elections. 2, if you find out that your life is partially a lie, a lot of us are going to have to deal with the fact that a lot of what we were taught and we’re leaving the exact architect that got us into this mess. SO we’ve got a lot of people are trying to figure out the truth and yet the government just keeps stonewalling us. We’ve certainly gaslit people and I don’t think the government is ready to take responsibility of hardworking normal American citizens.

Feb-26-2023 Eric Weinstein talks about the rise in Antisemitism
Eric Weinstein, “obviously Jeffrey Epstein looks a lot like a super spy from Israel. Its not the jews that are behind Jeffrey Epstein and whoever is behind Jeffrey Epstein is immoral. You have to understand how traumatized we are as a people. My first cousin once removed died when Mengelen invaded. Look up evie core who forgave Mengele, right? Kanye was in the wrong scene, it wasn’t his to forgive, he isn’t Jesus. And I feel terrible about what happened to Kanye, because ALL OF US were enjoying Kanye’s mental illness. And we loved him because it was so unfiltered and so real. I tried to save Kanye! But Kanya turned on me because he felt manipulated and I didn’t want his comment of ‘I love Hitler’ to TMZ to take him out. So my complain about Dave Chappelle wasn’t that he wasn’t funny as hell, but he did a routine
Joe Rogan, “Let me explain how a monologue works, Dave was going to do a standup set on that. He would work on multiple and it was something he would experiment one way and he would substract shit from it. If you want him to have a nuanced take on a subject, then it takes time and in particular at least for me it could take months.

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