Woody Harrelson Tells The Truth About The Plandemic Vaccine Scam

2 years ago

Woody Harrelson Tells The Truth About The Plandemic Vaccine Scam

Feb. 26, 2023

"The biggest drug cartels in the world get together and buy up all the media and all the politicians and force all the people in the world to stay locked in their homes, and people can only come out if they take the cartel's drugs... and keep taking them, over and over." ~Woody Harrelson, on SNL

The Oscar-nominated actor, who first won over audiences on the television show, Cheers, and who spoke the truth about 9/11 shared a number of opinions during the Covid Plandemic.

In a May 2022 interview with Vanity Fair, Harrelson said of mask-wearing during the Plandemic, "As one who doesn't believe in the germ theory, I find it rather absurd."

Where, U.S. Congressman Jim Jordan, said, "Mask: It was always about politics. Not the science." Dr. Vernon Coleman, states, "Only morons wear masks." Tom Jefferson, the Oxford epidemiologist, stated, "There is just no evidence that they — masks — make any difference."

And who Anthony Fauci, said, "I do not recommend that you wear a mask." And said, "Right now in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks. There's no reason to be walking around with a mask." In May 2020, Anthony Fauci and the New England Journal of Medicine have admitted that masks are little more than symbols.

And so, during Woody Harrelson SNL monologue Saturday night, where he seriously upset corporate media, he continued, and not allowing media censorship, spoke truth to power regarding the Plandemic and the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex.

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