1 year ago

"IRONY >> has two formal uses that are not as common in general prose as its more casual uses. One refers to Socratic irony — a method of revealing an opponent’s ignorance by pretending to be ignorant yourself and asking probing questions. The other refers to dramatic irony or tragic irony — an incongruity between the situation in a drama and the words used by the characters that only the audience can see. Socratic irony is a tool used in debating; dramatic irony is what happens when the audience realizes that Romeo and Juliet’s plans will go awry."

"MOCKERY -- noun >> an insincere, contemptible, or impertinent imitation."

"DERISION --- shares part of its origin with the words ridiculous and risible; all may be traced to the Latin verb ridēre (“to laugh”). From the time derision entered the English language in the 14th century, it has suggested laughter, albeit of a mocking or scornful variety. It may also be used to indicate an object of scornful laughter—that is, a laughingstock."

"BLACK HUMOR -- a humorous way of looking at or treating something that is serious or sad. Black comedy, also known as black humor, dark comedy, dark humor or gallows humor, is a sub-genre of comedy and satire where topics and events that are usually treated seriously are treated in a satirical manner, while still being portrayed as the negative events that they are."

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