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15 seconds

Jehoshaphat's Second Great Reforms & Reformation in Nations - 2 Chronicles 19

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1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • Your thoughts on Asbury was mine as well. True Repentance brings sorrow and weeping for your sins towards an Almighty God, NOT joy and excitement. What do we see at these "revivals"? I rest my case. I fear the same with this new "Christian" movie based on Chuck Smith. Why don't we ever see one on Johnathan Edwards? Or John Calvin? We know why. That wouldn't make us feel good. In a trailer for the movie, Kelsey Grahmer says to the new "converts"- "This is your house, this is yours." I'm not so sure about that. And I'm not so sure God will bless us with this type of theology. It's been said, "the greatest trick Satan every pulled was making people believe he doesn't exist." In this time and place we don't need feel good, Christianized movies with horrible theology which is man-based, giving people false hope.