1-50 The Fall of Israel

2 years ago

​#Atheism #Evolution #jesusisamyth

Garry Stevens:
King Ahaz of Judah calls on Assyria to save him from King Pekah of Israel and the kingdom of Aram-Damascus. That works out a treat: Aram-Damascus is left in ruins, and Israel left a rump state. The prophet Isaiah puts his oar in, to no effect. Pekah is followed by his son Hoshea, who makes a bad diplomatic move and is annihilated by Assyria. So begins the Jewish diaspora.

If we were all atheists, then we would be better off as a society.
Why? Because all religious violence would immediately cease."

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Axioms of Sidney Winston:
-All gods are imaginary.
-Human evolution is a fact.
-The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth are more ethical than the Ten Commandments of Christianity.

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