America use a food shortage to control other poor countries

1 year ago

If you were hoping the new year would mark a renewed era of abundance for the U.S. food system, we have some bad news. The various food shortages that defined the past 12 months—butter, baby formula, eggs—are not only expected to continue, but experts are also predicting that they could get even worse in 2023.

CNBC reports an economic recession is likely to hit in the early months of the new year as inflation, environmental catastrophes, and an ongoing fertilizer shortage continue to wreak havoc.

"I believe 2023 is going to be rough. Worse than this year," Tennessee dairy farmer and outspoken agricultural activist Stephanie Nash recently told Fox News. "We're going to have a supply chain shortage, we're going to have an increase in our food [prices] at the grocery store," she claimed.

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