Can We Trust The Text Of The New Testament? - Daniel B. Wallace vs. Bart D. Ehrman

1 year ago

Do we have enough evidence to reconstruct the New Testament text? Or did early scribes corrupt it beyond repair? Daniel B. Wallace and Bart D. Ehrman debate the issue of if we can trust the text of the New Testament at Southern Methodist University on October 1, 2011. At the time, this was the largest attended debate on the text of the NT ever. Dr. Mark A. Chancey, Professor of Religious Studies at SMU, serves as MC.

Dr. Wallace is Director of the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts (CSNTM) and Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. He has been both a consultant and editor for several Bible translations and has traveled the world preserving copies of the New Testament with CSNTM.

Dr. Ehrman is the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill and the author of over 20 books including the bestselling Misquoting Jesus: The Story behind Who Changed the Bible and Why.
#bible #biblical #newtestament #biblicalgreek #ancientgreek #manuscripts

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