Sex, Satan & Science Fiction! The Occult Origins of NASA

1 year ago

The Foundations of NASA are built on Sand! An occultist Pedophile, A science Fiction writer (Later founder of Scientology) and the world's most hailed Satanist all officially acknowledged as the grass roots basis for what is today called NASA! And if that isn't enough to peak your interest, shortly after Jack Parsons demise NAZI Scientists and Luciferian Freemason's continued on and grew his legacy into the most monumental fraud of a "Fake Space" agency and money laundering operation in Modern History!

Regarding Cosmology, do you trust God or do you Trust Satan and his minions?

I know who I trust - Romans 3:4 "Yea, let God be true, but every man a liar!"
The Earth is Flat, The Centre of Creation, encased by a Firmament (Dome). Above the firmament is water and above that is the dwelling place of God! Planet's are not Physical / Material (Terra Firma) but energy and light!

Jesus Loves you and want's you to know the truth about creation and his salvation for all Mankind! Jesus is the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE! No man cometh unto the FATHER but by him!

I don't endorse the following channels but credit them for the footage sourced:

If You can handle it and want to know more about Jack Parson's, The BABALON working sex Magik Occult ritual he performed to open a demonic portal or Alisteir Crowley's "Moon Child" Rituals watch the following documentary:

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