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  • rissflex is a beauty😍

  • Loved this interview. I got on a health-holistic kick around Dec 1, 2022 & I've turned one of my Autoimmune Markers to normal. I've lost 30 lbs... my activity has picked up. I hope you do more interviews like this. Absolutely learned alot. You are so amazing & one my favorite Truthers! Thank you for you service to humanity! 💓❤️

  • Thank you Riss! Having ulcerive colitis for over 20 years, i’ve gotta learn how to eat and balance food, mind and body everyday. My enemies are milk, wheat and sugar. When you know what you can/can’t eat, it does help. Thanks for the charts. Shared it on facebook

  • so he had a blood disorder and switch to whole foods and the decided it would be a good idea t take an EXPERIMENTAL DRUG, can we say he did not learn much

  • Eercise can be very boring, and gets harder the older you get. Not bad if you stay exercised. Stay active and you'll stay young. But to get kik started gets harder if you stop. 'Ultimate Frisbee' is a great game that can be advertised in any community and doesnt require great fitness to get started, but allows players to advance at their own pace. Frisbee is cheep, moves slow enough, and isnt heavy. All you need is a pair of cleats ,, an open field, and a lil interest in making a play happen. Oh, and best of all, women and men can play together as it is non-contact.

  • Its funny watching Riss laugh at the absurdity of having it offered to you by 'healthcare' to "have your organs cut out". I noticed this about them a long time ago. It is absurd! Diets tho can get kind of extreme. We need protein. So there's nothing wrong with meats. Fanaticism is far more dangerous than meats. Its when you eat them, and with what. Fish is really high protein. Ive met a few people in my time and some swear on vegan this, others solid meat. The one that made most sense was to start with fruit in the morning. High energy and easy to digest. Raw or lightly steamed veggies during the day for vitamins and energy, but a lil harder to digest, and eat your meats in the evening when you dont need as much energy and you want to unwind for bed. Its harder on the body to break down but its highest protein intake stored up for your morning.

  • Watch out people, looks like theres a Riss imposter posting on everybody's comments to get them into an email scam.