Glock 23 Chambered in 40 S&W

1 year ago

Glock 23
The Glock 23, chambered in 40 S& with a 13+1 capacity is an excellent gun.

Recommended Uses:
Designed as a duty gun, TRG believes this gun is best for everyday carry and home or personal defense.

As a Concealed Carry Gun:
Medium and large frames can easily conceal this gun. Also perfect for purses and small bags or packs.

Grip Ergonomics:
Comfortable in medium or large hands.

Excellent with both Target and Defensive Ammo. Glocks are known to tolerate most ammunition.

TRG rates this gun as 6 out of 10. It is snappy, but not unpleasant to shoot.

TRG Overall Opinion:
Glock ergonomics and reliability in 40 S&W. A great gun but TRG makes a cautious recommendation for first-time buyers. 40 S&W is a great defensive round. It is a bit snappy and can be hard to control. 40 S&W is more expensive than 9mm, training with 40 S&W will cost more.

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