Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow (Xbox) Gameplay (Xbox 360 Upscale) -No Commentary-

2 years ago

Black Arrow was a legitimate Xbox exclusive, and this is the first time I have played it. This level took me 5 or 6 tries just to beat it. The online play was definitely the bigger appeal to this game, but the single player is as intense, and fun to play as the original Rainbow Six 3.

Ubi definitely started taking R6 in a new direction with R6 3, watering down the formula for more mainstream appeal. I haven't played Black Arrow online, but the original was a solid play on botht eh Xbox, and, surprisingly, PS2 alike.

The single player is definitely solid, even if the first level kicked my butt a couple of times before I finally beat it. Honestly, if you are collecting for the Original Xbox, keep an eye our for the R6 games on it. They are all solid tactical goodness.

#rainbowsix3 #Xbox #nocommentary

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