Shark Tank "The Banned Episode" SNL Sneak Premiere

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Shark Tank "The Banned Episode" SNL Sneak Premiere
Live every day since 12/31/18!

I hope to see you any night at 10pm EST on the longest running daily long form variety show on Earth
Mark InsPires!

Mark Pires is the inventor and patent holder of the 1st drum for the one man band musician.
Live looping nightly on the BeatSeat you will find Mark creating new songs
nightly at 10pm EST!
Join the longest running daily show on Earth!
See You At 10:30pm tonight!!

Intro song: Mark Pires "Something To Live For"

and also listen to the full outro song "Go Away"

196 songs/ 15 albums Available on iTunes!

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Live music on Mark's patented musical instrument
The BeatSeat (
Unscripted Live Comedy, Celebrity Impressions and Inspirational Moments.

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For everything Mark Pires

#sharktank #sharktanklive #onemanshow

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