Roots of Depopulation Go Back to 1792 !!!, 4019

1 year ago

Good evening, I’m Still reporting on the coup – again and again.

I’ve been writing about the depopulation scheme against humanity since 1990 when I examined its roots coming out of the First French Revolution of 1792, less than a year after the American people completed their separation from England with the ratification of the Bill of Rights by the citizens of the original 13 states in Dec. of 1791.

However, the French Revolution was nothing like the American’s version, unlike some historians claim. And the differences show exactly why America is in such a drastic decline.

With the ratification of the Bill of Rights – the first 10 amendments to the Constitution – the United States of America founded the first Federal republic founded on the consent of the governed. This was also the first permanently successful overthrow of monarchical colonial rule and the U.S. Constitution is the oldest permanent constitution still in effect.

However, the French version of a monarchical overthrow only pretended to be based on more freedom and justice for all. In reality, it was the first incarnation of revolutionary communism, where grievances were systematically created in order to exploit them. Sound familiar? Yes there are a lot of similarities with the problems the U.S. has faced due to the ascension of team Obama/Biden to power.

As Russia's revolutionary anarchist leader Prince Peter Kropotkine wrote in 1908, more than 100 years later, the "Great Revolution" as he called it, was actually the model for the Bolshevik revolution of 1917.

"What we learn today from the study of the Great Revolution is that it was the source and origin of all the present communist, anarchist, and socialist conceptions."

By 1793, much of France lay in ruin. Industries were decimated, libraries burned, the bourgeoisie all but wiped out.

The French economy was in shambles. Unemployment was rampant. Toward the end of 1793, the new revolutionary Republic found itself faced with hundreds of thousands of working men for whom it could not find employment. The revolutionary leaders embarked upon a fearful new project that was to be copied by tyrants ever after, called "depopulation."

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