Origin of Robert the Doll - Shorts

1 year ago

I delve into the origin story story of Robert the Doll with one of his "victims" Becky Vickers, who also featured in the Documentary called The Curse of Robert the Doll. Becky goes into detail about the misfortune which she experienced after meeting the doll for the first time at the Fort East Martello Museum in Key West, Florida.

Robert the Doll's story originated in 1906, when he was gifted to a young boy named Robert Eugene Otto who resided in Key West, Florida. The stories surrounding young Otto's acquisition of the doll have varying myths, however, the young boy's love for Robert was undeniable and even carried on until his death.

Many myths and legends have circled around Robert, and his connection to the beyond. Yet, Robert's story starts in the Otto's family home.

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