Book of Titus: Introduction and Background

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SBC Family,

This years theme at SBC is "Sound Doctrine" and "Good Works." I've chosen to teach Titus since the Key Word is "Good Works." It is important to do good works so we are not unfruitful. This book was written to a bunch of liars and lazy gluttons on the island of Crete. I'm not saying you are that way. You may be, but that whole island culture was that way and it had crept into the churches. I think our culture is too busy, but certainly full of a bunch of liars, and clearly the ways of our culture also sneak into the churches. That is the background for the letter Paul wrote Titus.

Titus is a practical book that makes the argument that unless you establish organization and order where everyone is involved, you can't produce an atmosphere that results in good works and fruitfulness. The fundamental reason why is people who betray and are disingenuous are unreliable. The tone gets set that people will just get used and abused when there's no trust. We don't want that at SBC. Paul wants Titus to set things in order so that the atmosphere can change, people can change, people can do good works and be fruitful as they change and the change the culture by ministering the gospel and the word. Part of this is spreading the load among us all so we can be effective together. If we all do a little, we will all benefit a lot and move toward fulfilling the great commission more effectively.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

I've attached an outline for your convenience.


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