Tampa Woman Attacked In Apartment Gym, Do You Carry To The Gym?

1 year ago

Tampa Woman Attacked In Apartment Gym, Do You Carry To The Gym?


Feb 24, 2023 #ColionNoir #2ANews
Tampa Woman Gym Attack

I recall when I first began carrying a firearm and mentioned carrying it to the gym, some individuals questioned the necessity, asking who would possibly pose a threat in such a place.

However, any individual who conducts a simple search would discover numerous cases of mass shootings taking place in gyms.

The reality is that in today's unpredictable world, we must be prepared for the unexpected, even while engaging in routine activities such as exercising.

By carrying a firearm, we have the ability to protect ourselves and those around us from potential danger.

We cannot rely on others to protect us from harm, especially in areas that are designated as gun-free zones, where law-abiding citizens are left defenseless against criminals who have no regard for the law.

As responsible gun owners, it's our duty to stay informed about potential threats and to take appropriate steps to protect ourselves and those around us.

The ability to carry a firearm is a critical aspect of our Second Amendment rights, and we must remain vigilant in our efforts to safeguard our safety and that of our loved ones.

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