The Law of Sheriffs Chapter 2

1 year ago

42. Powers and Duties of Sheriff Implied from Name and Nature of His Office.
43. Rights of the Sheriff as Constitutional Officer.
44. The Sheriff Essentially a Common Law Officer.
45. The Qualifications of a Sheriff, His Oath and Bond.
46. Delivery and Approval of Sheriff's Bond.
47. Construction of Sheriff's Bond.
48. Acts by Virtue of the Office and Color of Office.
49. Liability of Sureties and Sheriff ; Limitation of That Liability.
50. Additional Duties Required of the Sheriff by Statute.
51. The Sheriff as Tax Collector ; His Sureties.
52. What Will Not Release the Sureties of the Sheriff.
53. Special Bonds.
54. Cumulative Bonds.
55. Liens on Real Estate or Further Security.
56. Recording and Approval of Official Bonds.
57. Liability of Sureties of Sheriff in the Event of His Death.
58. Liability of Sureties for Overpayment.
59. The Right to Office.
60. The Sheriff and His Deputies.
61. Sheriff's Liability for His Deputies.
62. Liability of Sheriff for Acts of His Deputy Done Colore Officii and Virtute Officii.
63. When the Sheriff Is Not Liable for the Acts of His Deputy.
64. Liability of Ex- Sheriff for His Deputy.
65. Supervisory Power of Courts over Sheriffs and Deputies.
66. Deputy Sheriff's Bond.
67. Liability of Sheriff to His Deputy.
68. Liability of Deputy in Summary Actions.
69. Relation of De Facto Officer and His Deputy.
70. Special Deputy ; How Constituted.
71. Appointments of Deputies by Parol and by Ratification of Acts.
72. Appointment of Deputy Sheriffs.
73. Appointment of Special Officer by Court or Justice.
74. General Deputy May Appoint a Special Deputy.
75. Summary Proceedings.
76. Statutory Regulations as to Deputy Sheriffs,
77. Deputy as a General Agent.
78. The Sheriff Is the One Officer.
79. Personal Acts of the Deputy.
80. Special Legislation as to Deputy Sheriffs.
81. Cumulative Remedy.
82. Suretyship Strictissimi Juris.
83. Resistance to Deputies.
84. The Office of Deputy Sheriff Is Not the Subject of Sale.
85. Removal of the Deputy Sheriff.
86. Additional Duties of Sheriff.

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