All countries that remove Central Banking Systems

1 year ago

The WORLD watched a CIA coup d'etat waged against President Trump.

All countries that remove Central Banking Systems / Petro-Dollar & United States Special Interest Corporations that steal said countrys' natural resources / wealth & send it all OUT of the country, are the ones the CIA / MOSSAD go to war with to overthrow leaders & install puppet leaders controlled by the CIA / Central Bankers / Corporations.

WALL STREET won't invest money in companies overseas, if said countries have an election every 4 years with an impending probability of a NEW President kicking those Special Interest Companies / Banks OUT of their country to keep & share resources & wealth with their own ppl.

When it comes to the cabal's Wall Street investments, they are looking for 50 - 100 year stability / SECURITY to not only get their return investment, but maximize profits thereafter.

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