1 year ago


“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” —Philippians 2:5

All the hordes of Hell are attacking the world's youth today. From Hollywood movies, to video games, to music, to what they're being taught in public schools—Satan has a bid for your child!

Hollywood's acclamation of witches is proof positive in the multiple movies it has offered throughout the decades. More recently, in 1996, a movie entitled The Craft, starring Robbin Tunney, Fairuza Balk and Neve Campbell, stormed movie theatres. The movie depicted four young girls all eager in their pursuits of witchcraft. Full explanations about the invoking of demonic spirits as well as enactment's of rituals to summon spirit possession litter the movie. These witchcraft truisms were incorporated into the film as teaching tools for the unsuspecting public. Did it work? Raven Mounani, owner of the occult store, Raven's Flight, and herself a practicing witch credits The Craft with encouraging young women to explore the world of witchcraft. She states:

"I get a lot of teenage girls in here. You can always tell when The Craft has been on TV cause we get a big influx of girls looking for supplies."

SOURCE:; Hollywood's Witching Hour; by Jason Kovar

There is no debate that teens are being targeted by the Devil's crowd, trying to recruit them to surrender their lives to Satan. Marilyn Manson even gives alter calls at the end of his concerts, calling Christians as*holes and ripping apart Bibles on stage. Tragically, Marilyn Manson has sold over 11,000,000 albums just in the United States. What kind of person would want to listen to Manson's hellish screaming and blasphemous lyrics over and over? In a word... TEENAGERS! But why? It's because Manson is a freak, an outcast, and troubled teens who come from struggling or broken families can relate to him.

This is the exact reason why teenagers gravitate toward Satanism and the occult, where a person is accepted as they are without having to live up to a certain standard. The lowest degenerate in the world is readily accepted by witches, homosexuals and the rest of the wicked. You'll never find witches exposing the sin of homosexuality. You'll never find homosexuals exposing anything except themselves. It is Christianity which stands up against the wickedness of this world, in obedience to the Word of God which tells every believer to refute all works of darkness (Ephesians 5:11). Evil is done under cover of darkness, to conceal it's mischief; but good works are done in the sunlight for all to see. The very word “ occult” means hidden, because their seeds are evil in the sight of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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