The house with the real GHOST on the hill - scary stories

1 year ago

John and Sarah had always been fascinated by the old mansion on the hill. It had been abandoned for years and was rumored to be haunted. They'd heard stories from their friends about the strange noises and ghostly sightings that had been reported over the years.

One day, they decided to investigate the house. They drove up the winding road and parked outside the gate. The house looked even more ominous up close, with its peeling paint and broken windows. As they approached the front door, they could feel their hearts pounding in their chests.

The door creaked open and they stepped inside. The air was musty and stale, and there was a thick layer of dust covering everything. They started to explore the house, moving from room to room. The walls were covered in peeling wallpaper, and the furniture was old and decayed.

As they made their way up the stairs to the second floor, they heard a strange noise coming from one of the rooms. They cautiously approached the door, which was slightly ajar. When they pushed it open, they saw a figure standing in the middle of the room.

At first, they thought it was a ghost, but as their eyes adjusted to the dim light, they realized it was just an old man. He was dressed in a dusty suit, and his hair was wild and unkempt. He looked at them with a strange intensity and then disappeared through a door at the far end of the room.

John and Sarah were both shaken by the encounter, but they were also excited. They had seen something that nobody else had seen, and they knew they had to investigate further.

Over the next few days, they returned to the house again and again. They explored every room, searching for clues about the old man and the history of the house. They found a few old newspapers in one of the rooms, which detailed a tragic story about a family who had lived in the house many years ago.

The family had been brutally murdered, and the killer was never found. The article mentioned a suspect, a strange old man who had been seen lurking around the property at the time of the murders. The article also mentioned that the old man had disappeared, and was never seen again.

John and Sarah were intrigued by the story, and they continued their investigation. They started to notice strange things happening in the house. Doors would slam shut on their own, and they heard strange whispering voices in the halls. They started to feel like they were being watched, and they started to become increasingly paranoid.

One night, they decided to stay in the house overnight. They set up a makeshift camp in one of the bedrooms and settled in for the night. At first, nothing happened, but as the night wore on, they started to hear strange noises coming from the other side of the room.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and the old man stood there, staring at them with his piercing eyes. He looked angry and agitated, and his hair was wild and unkempt. John and Sarah screamed in terror and backed away from the old man.

The old man started to move toward them, and they could feel a cold chill spreading through the room. They tried to escape, but the old man was too quick. He cornered them in the room, and they could see his eyes glowing in the dark.

Suddenly, the old man disappeared, and they were alone in the room again. They looked around, and they realized that they were standing in a pool of blood. They had been transported back in time, to the night of the murders.

They were trapped in the house, and they knew they had to find a way out...

Music by Myuuji

#scarystories #demon #story #fairytale

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