Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church Worship Service - February 26, 2023

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Sermons by Pastor David Whitney, Senior Instructor of Institute on the Constitution and pastor of Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church in Arnold, MD.

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SUNDAY February 26, 2023

Order of Worship

Theme: When great evil flourishes in the land, we know it will be destroyed by our Lord who will overwhelm us with incomparable blessing and goodness.

Welcome & Call to Worship
“O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing” #21
“One Day” #294
Prayer & Children’s Story
“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” p45  in Hymns & Songs
“We Are An Offering” #678
Offering - “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty” #210
Responsive Reading - A New Song #95 men solo1 women solo 2, end with This is the Word of the Lord, I believe it. 
Congregational Prayer
Hearing God’s Word
“Chernobyl in America”- Pastor Whitney
Responding to God’s Word
“Rock of Ages” #342
Benediction and Postlude

“Chernobyl in America”
29th in our series the Prophet Zephaniah

I. The Third Trumpet of Judgment - Revelation 8:10-11
* A. Wormwood - a poison contaminates 1/3 of the fresh water on the entirety of planet earth
* 1. The “Star” may indicate a fallen angel
* 2. The bitter condition of the water causes poisoning of many people
* B. These are things which must come to pass before the battle of that great day of God Almighty - Revelation 19:11, 14-16
* 1. There is comfort in knowing about catastrophic events before they happen
* 2. Our Lord can give us wisdom on how we prepare

II. The Two Commands for us during Disastrous times - Zephaniah 3:16
* A. Fear Not Zion
* 1. Zion is reference to the Temple Mount where God is present
* a. Jesus was and is the Temple - John 2:9
* b. That temple since Pentecost is the people of the Lord - Matthew 18:20
* c. Take care of your temple - 1 Corinthians 6:19
* 2. Fear is destroyed when we trust in the Lord
* B. Banish slack hands
* 1. Whatever you do, do the glory of the Lord - 1 Corinthians 10:31
* a. Do it with all your might - Ecclesiastes 9:10
* b. Use your God give talents and skill in service to our Lord and Savior
* 2. Our Lord is coming soon, we want to be found, alert, awake and serving Him - Mark 13:32-37
* a. Sharing the Good News with the Lost
* b. Making Disciples of all peoples

Amazing Grace by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



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